Checked other vendors
1. Sankei
Displaying papercraft model. They now have papaercraft kit with Ghibli characters.
Small papacraft in a box. Non scale but seems fun.
Other standard papercraft kits
ModelTrainPlus will start lineup Sankei products soon. Please stay tuned. If you have any particular item want to purchase, please let me know. I will try to get with priority.
2. Aerobase
Basically this vendor creating metal etched model aircraft and bicycle but just found they are displaying N scale bicycle with parking lots. Sorry I bought this item but they are all sold out. Please let me know if you are interested. I will check if I can purchase more.
Following are what I purchased from Aerobase. They are brass etched aircrafts. Each are with 2,000 Yen. Please let us know if you are interested. Sorry if sold out as I only have one each.